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We appreciate your input!

Please let us know about the assistance you received from Blaine County Charitable Fund and you'll be entered to win a $100 Atkinson's gift card!

What assistance did you receive from BCCF?
If you received rent assistance or help applying for other assistance, did it help you to avoid eviction (choose one of the following)?
If you received 1st/last/deposit assistance, did your housing situation improve (choose one of the following)?
How was your overall experience with BCCF?

Please share your name and email to be entered in to win a $100 Atkinson's gift card!

How can we let people know about your exerience wth BCCF?

Thanks for submitting! Would you consider sending us a photo of you and/or you with your family that we could put a face to this amazing testimony? If so, please email to or text 208-244-5205. ¡Gracias por enviar! ¿Considerarías enviarnos una foto tuya y/o tuya con tu familia para que podamos ponerle cara a este increíble testimonio? Si es así, envíe un correo electrónico a o envíe un mensaje de texto al 208-244-5205.

Blaine County Charitable Fund

208.244.5205 / (208) 990-5909 (fax)
Mailing: PO Box 265, Hailey, ID 83333
Physical: 111 N. 1st Ave, Suite 2J, Hailey, ID 83333

TAX ID: 84-5158057

Privacy Policy

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