Financial assistance = stability
This past year started with so many uncertainties. BCCF set a course to tackle the year and be ready for what may come. The community we serve grew. Some returned with continued hardship. Most of all, BCCF strived to continue being a lifeline to provide stability in our neighbors' lives to weather storms that will undoubtedly come their way. We are grateful for the donor community connected to BCCF who responded to these needs and enabled us to respond to each and every one of the needs at our door in 2021!
In a time when many in our community saw prosperity, 2021 proved to be only slightly behind the year previous in terms of need for financial assistance. This should be no real surprise as we all watch the long overdue housing crisis come to a head at the time of a population growth spike*. This growth happens to coincide with 1% reporting to be experiencing homelessness, rental rate increases and the displacement of many of our workforce. However, the reality is that it is easy to go back to day to day life and not realize how many in our community potentially struggle in silence. They continue to live on the edge, unsure if their housing will continue to be affordable, if they will find new housing should they need to, or where they should turn when they have exhausted all of their options.
Knowing these things, the BCCF Board of Directors has made a deeper commitment to serve the most vulnerable in Blaine County by investing in staff and looking for more ways to increase visibility:
BCCF expanded the bilingual staff by adding a part-time Family Care Coordinator who will be actively working in the community.
BCCF is at the table with the City of Ketchum and County-wide leaders in finding solutions to the multifaceted housing issues.
BCCF is again partnering with our County Commissioners to ensure ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act of 2021) funds are getting to those that are still experiencing COVID related hardships.
BCCF is nimble and creative in finding solutions that best fit our applicants.
We continue to use our donor and support community as an important partner in sharing about our services and our needs. Together with your partnership, we can create the stability in our community that will enable all to thrive!
In gratitude, Steve Thompson, President
Mary Fauth, Executive Director
* According to the City of Ketchum’s Housing Matters Task Force, the population of Ketchum grew 24.5% between 2019 & 2020. That was a drastic increase of average annual growth rate of 1.1%. They also found that 1% of the survey respondents indicated they were experiencing homelessness.
2021 Emergency Assistance Program by the Numbers
170 households received $190,870 in assistance
An average of $1,122/household
50% of the households that applied were new applications
70% were still experiencing COVID related financial hardships.
2 part-time staff spent 2,080 hours taking 1,108 phone and text inquiries, gathering copies of proof of income, leases and bills, and talking through applicants most pressing needs.
100% of respondents to a fall 2021 survey said that the emergency assistance provided helped them avoid eviction.
At least 3 households benefited from negotiations with their landlords for reduced rent or avoiding eviction filings.
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Net revenue $61,613
(Total net income to be assigned to 2022 grant disbursements)

Going where the need already is
In order to keep overhead costs low, BCCF has yet to invest in office space. We are grateful for local partner agency referrals that connect us to those in need over the phone and via our website. However, in the Summer of 2021 the BCCF staff starting attending the Hunger Coalition’s food distribution days with the hopes of meeting in person those that are already experiencing crisis so they could navigate the BCCF application process with our assistance. The response was amazing… we had 17 applicants in the first visit. This spurred the investment in time and staff to continue to show up where the need was already present. In addition to regular visits to the Hunger Coalition starting in 2022, thanks to the invitation of the Hailey Library BCCF will have weekly office hours in their facility. This gives our applicants direct access to not only us, but computers and internet.
(Here is BCCF’s new Family Care Coordinator Siomara Navarrete hosting office hours at the Hailey Library)

Meet Siomara, our Bilingual Family Care Coordinator!
What's the most inspiring part of your job?
"To serve the community and be able to speak my first language Spanish to help people who are going through a rough time."
The most important thing I learned before high school was... "To be true to myself"
When I was 5, I was pretty sure I'd be a..."Teacher"
My favorite word that has no direct English translation is... "Parangaricutirimicuaro"
Thanks to the 5B Strong Community
Donors committed to giving monthly:
Claudia Aulum, Lindsay & Reed Boeger, Julie Brewer, Peter Caldara & Joanne Vassar, Dick Fosbury, John & Sue Galgano, Ythzel & Cort Gillette, Lars & Heather Guy, Michelle & Mark Krogh Sheila Moriarty, Leslie Patricelli & Jason Vontver Dave & Gisela Rose Lisa Stelck & Bill Boeger, Penny & Troy Thayer, Steve & Gwen Thompson
Spur Foundation
Blaine County
Wood River Women’s Foundation
Ellison Foundation
Bjerke Family Foundation, Blaine County Title, Lisa Firestone, James Forese, Idaho Community Foundation, Johnson Foundation of the Rockies, George & Leslie Hume, Christine Kraatz, Leonard McIntosh, The Ochsman Foundation, Al & Kathy Oliver
Anonymous, Lynn Campion & Ted Waddell, Hallmark Idaho Properties, G. Michael Hawkey, Willa & Jim McLaughlin, Laura & David Midgley, Gerry Morrison Rachel Schochet, Charlotte Unger, Wolfram - Zebrowski Family Fund, Craven Young & Karen Oswalt
Barb Feehan, Christine Gardner, Gates Hawn, Happy Hawn, Marcia Kent, Becky Klassen & Buck Drew, Scott Lewis and Laura Rose-Lewis Fund, Kathleen Lynn, Jim & Laurie Moss, Ed & Carmenn Northern, Lori Nurge Robert & Margo Shuford, Suns Foundation, Waldfogel Family Foundation
Anonymous, Athlete 2Athlete, Mary & Daryl Fauth, Atkinson’s Market, Maureen & Donald Baker, Patricia Berg, Boswell Family Foundation, Jack Dies, John & Deb Dimant, Julie Firestone, Stephen Gilman, Sue & Tim Hamilton, Jamie & Chris Harding, Harrison Insurance, Dave & Georgia Hutchinson, Jim & Wendy Jaquet, Jeanne Liston, Lisa Mayer, Patty & Ken McLups, Sarah Michael & Bob Jonas, Louise & Jay Noyes, Susan Passovoy, Marc Reinemann, Roth Charitable Foundation, Martha Shepard, Sherry & Richard St. Clair, Kiki Tidwell, Annie Weber, Zenergy
Sam Adicolf & Susan Connor, Kristin & Pete Anderson, Doug Behse, Annie Bloomfield Jennifer Bloomquist, Matt & Toni Bogue, Jan Burell, Grady & Heather Burnett, Susan Canham, Mary Kim & Steve Deffe, Katherine & Lloyd Dyer, Juli Evans, Claudia Fiaschetti, Jim & Barbara Figge, Edward Forman, Joyce Friedman, Pam Gammon, Daniel Gariepy, Clark Gerhardt, Susan Giannettino & Jim Keller, Kathryn & Tim Graves, Elizabeth & Peter Gray, Nancy Gurney, Christina Healy & Arlen Chaney, Heidi Heath, Stephen & Lynne Heidel, Anne Jeffery & Jack Sept, Chrissy Johnson, Jerry & Debbie Johnson, Linette Joyner, Liz Keegan, Ronald Kleist, Knob Hill Inn, Michelle & Mark Krogh, Michael & Sharon Landau, Bill Leyrer, Andrea Lieberman, Sheila Liermann, Richard & Sharon Linville Jon Maksik, Jean Martinko, Angenie McCleary, Martha Miller Nicholas Miller, Carol O’Loughlin, Dayle Ohlau, Pioneer Saloon, Richard Reeder, Jeff & Bequel Smith, Laura Targett, Laura Theis, Carol & Keith Waller, Steve Wolper, Kit Wright